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CPATA has hired CALIBRATE to conduct a short survey of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents in Canada about apprenticeships as part of its review of pathways into the professions. This survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. 

Email addresses are collected only to allow CALIBRATE to follow up if necessary. Names and email addresses will not be shared with CPATA and your comments will not be attributed to you in CALIBRATE's report. If you have any questions about the survey or have additional comments to share, please send an email to: ashley@calibratesolutions.ca 

Please complete this survey by October 1, 2024. Thank you for your participation!

Privacy/Consent Statement:

Thank you for taking the time to engage with our survey. Please note:

  • This survey is being administered by Calibrate Solutions on behalf of CPATA. 
  • The information you provide is collected to develop an understanding of the profession we regulate in the public interest; for example, to identify opportunities to improve programs and activities that strengthen the competencies of patent and trademark agents. 
  • This survey is optional. Your responses are confidential and will not be available to CPATA other than in aggregate form. 
  • See the College Privacy Statement for more information on our privacy practices, your privacy rights, and how to contact the College if you have questions about this survey.